How to Make Protection to Drive and Folder Using BitLocker

Folder protection is very essential thing computer user should be tack care, sometime folder may consist of very important data like Bank account number and so on, protection should be make to protect our sensitive data.

For protecting data and folder using encryption Microsoft provide BitLocker for protecting data and folder.

Please note that BitLocker is only applicable for drive protection you can't apply protection to single folder.

Protection to Drive Using BitLocker

What is BitLocker ?

BitLocker (formerly BitLocker Drive Encryption) is a full disk encryption feature included with the Ultimate and Enterprise editions of Windows Vista and Windows 7, the Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, and Windows Server 2008 and later. It is designed to protect data by providing encryption for entire volumes. By default it uses the AES encryption algorithm in cipher block chaining (CBC) mode with a 128-bit or 256-bit key, combined with the Elephant diffuser for additional disk encryption-specific security not provided by AES. CBC is not used over the whole disk, only for each individual disk sector. Source WIKI

Using BitLocker For Drive Protections

To encrypt the drive and password protection that Windows is installed on, your computer must have more than one partitions: remember you can't apply bitlocker protection to system drive windows does not permit to do, beacuse a system partition (which contains the files needed to start your computer) and an operating system partition (which contains Windows). The operating system partition will be encrypted and the system partition will remain unencrypted so your computer can start.

  • Select your drive/volume for protection(except system drive).
  • Single click on drive and click mouse right button.
  • Now you will get menu like this.
Screen Shot 1
  • Click on Turn on BitLocker.

Screen Shot 2
  • Set up password, Click on "Use a password to unlock drive".

Screen Shot 3

Move forward click next, computer will ask you for storing recovery key, use recovery key for recovery of data.
Three ways you can store your recovery key, you can store it publicly because it is in encryption form.
Three ways are:
  •  Save your key to USB drive.
  •  Save your key to file.
  •  Print the key.
Choose one  among theses three, and enjoy being safe. 

Remember that it will take very long time to encryption, once encryption will complete, your drive will completely protected from anonymous. 

About Meghshyam

Meghshyam Sonar is a part time blogger from india. He is well known for blogger. He has been bloggging since 2012. He is founder of various blogs and website. He was also recognized as a top blogger in india under the age of 20 by blogger India. Find him on Google+ Twitter.
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  1. BitLocker was encrypted my drive now I want to decryption my data without removing the password, how do this? Please help me.

  2. Yes, when you apply BitLocker to drive, BitLocker encryption take place for better security, if you want to protect drive then data will be encrypted without encryption you can't protect data.
